Letter to a Teacher


Greetings. Hopefully, you are having a good year.

I wanted to commend you on your recent assignment related to the bookTo Kill A Mockingbird. Four of your sophomores helped us (Project Hope) out distributing gifts for the Angels of Hope program during Christmas break, and then they returned to ask me questions related to an assignment you had given them and other groups in one of your class.

Ironically, when travelling back from California last year, I listened to an audio version of the book so it was still fresh in my mind. (It had been a loooong time since I had read it.) Sounds like you are having your students identify “mockingbirds” within our community. The poor, maybe particularly the poor within the Hispanic community, were identified by those students when they assisted us with that project. I was so impressed by these young people, and, therefore, so impressed with their teachers – such as yourself – who are instructing their hearts and minds in a discerning manner. Well done with this project!

Continue your good work. Thank you.

Thank You,

Project Hope

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