Fundraising campaigns & programs

Giving to LCS

Your gift to Lynden Christian School makes a difference to every student and teacher in our school community and helps families bridge the gap between what they pay in tuition and the true cost of a Christian education. Your donations, prayers, and time spent volunteering allow us to offer the highest quality programs, while also placing tuition levels within reach to more families and students here in Whatcom County. Please click here to make a general donation to Lynden Christian School. We are grateful for your generous support.

LCS Endowment Fund

The Lynden Christian School Endowment Fund exists to help provide Christian education for children and young people for generations to come. Without the help of the Endowment Fund, many parents could not afford Christian education. The earnings of the Endowment Fund are donated to the General Operating Fund of Lynden Christian thereby reducing tuition costs of all Lynden Christian families. Lynden Christian’s Endowment Fund promotes, accepts, and manages gifts of money, property, securities, bequests, life insurance, and other forms of contribution for the support of the Lynden Christian School. By wise estate planning, all of us can help leave a Christian education legacy for future generations.

The Lynden Christian School Endowment Fund is a Lynden, Washington, tax-exempt charity (IRS TIN 20-2513206) registered under the Charitable Solicitation Act with the Washington Secretary of State; donors may obtain additional financial disclosure information from that office by telephone at (800) 332-4483 or online at

For more information about the LCS Endowement Fund, please visit “Leaving Your Legacy” or email Endowment Director Gary Kamps.

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If you wish to honor departed family and friends, please consider making a memorial gift to Lynden Christian School. The family of those honored by such gifts will be notified of your gift; however, the amount of the gift is kept confidential. (Chose the box “I would like to dedicate this gift.”)

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Special Interests

Is music, art, science, drama, technology, or athletics close to your heart? Consider designating a gift to one of Lynden Christian School’s outstanding curricular or extra-curricular programs.

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