But, Dad I Don’t Get The Sermon – Local Pastor

“But, Dad, I don’t get anything out of the sermons!”

Answer One: “That doesn’t matter. You’re going to church and that’s final!”

Answer Two: “Well, honey, I can understand that. I know the sermons are geared toward the adults and I don’t always get something out of every sermon either. But when we come and listen a couple of important things happen.

First, we realize we don’t know everything and there is a lot more for us to understand about God and our faith.

Second, we are being challenged to think harder and as we mature more things will make sense.

Third, we can never know what seeds the Holy Spirit is planting in our hearts that He will bring to life later. The Bible says faith comes by hearing the Bible preached again and again (Romans 10:14). If we are faithful now, God will bring good fruit later. Be patient and pray for the Holy Spirit to help you. And pray for the pastor, too.

How about praying and asking God to help you get one thing out of the worship service each week and then come expecting God to answer.

Finally, this isn’t really just a sermon issue, this is a heart issue and an obedience issue. As your parents, when we ask you to do something, God wants you to honor your parents and obey them. When you do that, God will bless you and help you in ways you can’t know until after you do.”

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