Why Chapel? — High School Chapel Coordinator

“Why Chapel?”

This was the question I asked various groups at LCHS when I stepped into the role of Chapel Coordinator. The answers varied, but there were a couple of themes that many had in common. One was a desire for a sense of “community” at LCHS. There are very few times where the whole student body comes together and experiences the same thing, in real time. Chapel is one of those times. The other was for our community to have a time together with God. The classroom often addresses the “head” part of our discipleship. Chapel is an opportunity to focus on the “heart”.

From these conversations, a purpose for Chapel was created. Our purpose this year is to create a sense of community where we experience God together. The guest speakers and activities are being filtered through this purpose. As you have probably noticed, we are trying new things to see if they help us develop our community and create shared experiences of God.

I am looking forward to seeing how God moves in our purpose this year. If you have an idea of how we might better accomplish this purpose in chapel, I would love to hear from you. Email me at dlindner@lyncs.com.

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