“The heart of man plans his way but the LORD establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Becoming the LC Middle School Librarian is an unexpected and delightful plot twist! I grew up in Bellingham and earned a BA in Social Sciences from Trinity Western University. I always knew I wanted to work with children, and after college I spent years working as a Social Worker  with the State of Washington. I was blessed to meet my husband Ryan at work, and we married in 2011. We have two daughters who attend LC, and we have been foster parents since 2013.  Our family attends Wiser Lake Chapel. 

Ask us anything- we always have an anecdote to share about our family! For the last few years  I have served as a paraeducator for 3rd-5th grade students at Parkview Elementary. My passion for books began in childhood, when I immersed myself in Little House on the Prairie,  and devoured mysteries. My mom even helped me build a complete collection of vintage Nancy Drew books in the days before the internet! You’re still likely to find me browsing bookstores or  buried in a book in my spare time. I am grateful for this role where my passion for kids and  books converge. Books are like windows that help us to see the world around us, within us, and  beyond us from new perspectives. I hope to connect our students to stories they will love, so  that they too can “enjoy the view.” 

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