Society Meeting Scheduled For July 18th

The Lynden Christian School Board is calling a society meeting on July 18, 2023, at 7:00 PM, in the high school Worship and Fine Arts Center. There will be a question-and-answer session on July 18 @ 6:30 PM for anyone with questions prior to the 7:00 PM society meeting. Society members may attend in person or virtually.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Purpose of the Society Meeting:

  • To present the current campus site plan and capital project
  • To seek society approval of the board’s proposed capital project


  1. Welcome and Opening Prayer: Jon DeJong
  2. LCS Mission and Strategic Plan: Kathryn Van Weerdhuizen
  3. Overview of the Campus Site Plan and Capital Project: Paul Bootsma
  4. Phased proposal and recommendation for the $29M Project: Jon DeJong
  5. Society votes online and in person
  6. Closing Prayer: Kathryn Van Weerdhuizen

For an in-depth preview of the July 18th society meeting, please click here and select “Society Meeting Presentation Preview July 18, 2023.” (Contact the Central Office for password.)