Leave a legacy. Invest in this generation.
– Psalm 78:4-6

Community Support
Parents at Lynden Christian School are incredibly supportive of their school, encouraging their children, and working hand-in-hand with the staff. We are grateful for a huge volunteer base that extends across generations. Our local churches (about 80) that are represented in the school are a constant source of support and blessing, completing the home, school, church connection.
Since 1910, Lynden Christian School has provided over 4,200 students with a quality, Christ-centered education. These graduates have been equipped to assume leadership in their homes, churches, communities, and around the world.
Why have a separate endowment fund?
The LCS Endowment Fund was formed in 1980 to provide financial stability and continue the tradition of LC’s rich heritage to future generations. Gifts invested in the LCS Endowment Fund are permanently held in trust. Each year, the interest is used to reduce tuition for the benefit of the parents whose children are currently enrolled.
What is the LCS Endowment Fund?
The LCS Endowment Fund promotes, accepts, and manages gifts of property, securities, life insurance, bequests, memorials, gifts of remembrance, cash, and other forms of contributions for the sole benefit of Lynden Christian School.
Why Have a Separate Endowment Fund?
Gifts to the LCS Endowment Fund are permanently held in trust with only the investment income used to aid the school. In other words, it is a gift that keeps on giving year after year. The LCS Endowment Fund takes a long-term view of the financial needs and security of the school. Although a separate fund, the earnings are transferred to the Lynden Christian School annually for the benefit of the parents.
What Are the Goals of the Endowment Fund?
- To supplement the annual operating budget of Lynden Christian School and hold tuition down to an affordable level for all parents who sincerely desire a Christian education for their children.
- To encourage using the wide variety of opportunities where Christian stewardship can be applied to furthering God’s Kingdom.
- To help show the Christian community the many opportunities for stewardship other than available cash gifts.
God Owns Everything
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. – Psalm 24:1
Did you know that there are more than 2,300 verses in the Bible that deal with our possessions? Jesus addressed this topic in over two-thirds of His parables. Why are money and possessions such an issue for God? The answer is that the way we handle our money does not merely affect our pocketbook, it affects us spiritually. How we handle our money affects our relationship with the Lord.
Scripture highlights four major principles relating to our possessions:
- God is the owner of everything.
- We are to be generous with what has been entrusted to us.
- We are to prudently manage what has been entrusted to us.
- Possessions can be dangerous if not handled responsibly.
Wise planning and hard work result in the accumulation of an estate; similarly, wise planning and dedication should also be applied to the disposition of that estate. Your estate, regardless of its size, is the material representation of your life and is, therefore, significant.
As Christians, our estate planning must establish the goals and objectives we wish to accomplish for ourselves, our dependents, and for our Lord. God commands that we practice Christian stewardship in everything we do.
The Endowment Fund was started in 1980 by dedicated LCS supporters who wanted to help ensure the affordability of Christian education for generations to come. Their INTEREST in starting and supporting this fund has paid back lasting DIVIDENDS to the parents and children at Lynden Christian School. They have definitely made a very positive step in accomplishing their goal – a step we all can take!
Leaving a Legacy
All of us need to follow the example that has been set by our many Christian brothers and sisters who have helped establish and build our Endowment Fund. Because of their Christian vision and efforts, all families at Lynden Christian School are benefiting.
As many more Christian school constituents see the benefits of supporting an Endowment Fund, this reduction will increase rapidly. By wise estate planning, all of us can help leave a Christian education legacy for future generations.
Help Provide Christian Education for Generations to Come!
Our goal is not to raise tuition more than the cost of living index. To reach this goal, we need to receive gifts of various forms such as the following:
- A Will Bequest – When preparing or revising your will, you can make provisions for the Endowment Fund in several ways with complete confidentiality.
- Cash Gifts – Giving a cash gift starts generating income immediately.
- Appreciated Investments – Giving appreciated assets starts generating income immediately plus it can reduce your taxes.
- Life Insurance – By naming the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary, you can practice Christian stewardship with a substantial gift at death by means of small contributions during your life.
- Life Estate Contract – Donating real estate (house or land), you retain full use of the property until death.
- Gifts of Remembrance – You can make a gift in memory of a loved one which will perpetually generate income for the Lynden Christian School. Those honored by such gifts at the commemoration of a wedding, birth, anniversary, retirement, or other events will be notified by an appropriated card, as will the family of those honored at death. The names of the person honored will be listed in our newsletter unless specifically asked not to.
For more information about the LCS Endowement Fund, please email Endowment Director Gary Kamps.