Elementary Daily Schedule

Elementary School Bell Schedule

Preschool and kindergarten have a modified recess schedule. Kindergarten students typically take recesses before students in grades 1 – 2. Full day kindergarteners eat their lunch at 11:45a.m.

The Bell Schedule is the same for the entire building, but the activity differs for each time block based on the grade level. It is important to remember that each classroom will have a unique daily schedule as well. Parents may ask their child’s teacher for a daily/weekly schedule.

BELL SCHEDULE (Grades 1-4)
8:30 a.m. Call-in bell
8:35 a.m. Tardy bell
10:10 Recess for 1-4
10:25 a.m. Call-in bell
11:50 a.m. Begin first grade lunch time;
end of AM kindergarten
11:55 a.m. Begin second grade lunch time
12:00 p.m. Begin third/fourth grade lunch time;
All-day kindergarten return to classroom
12:10 p.m. Begin first and second grade recess – no bell
12:15 p.m. Begin third/fourth grade recess
12:40 p.m. Call-in bell for grades one and two
12:45 p.m. Call-in bell for grades three and four
1:45 p.m. Recess for grades 1-4
3:10 Devotions Bell
3:12 Dismissal Bell
8:30 a.m. Call-in bell
8:35 a.m. Tardy bell
9:55-10:10 Recess
10:10-10:25 Snack time
11:30-Noon Recess and lunch time
1:45-2:00 Recess
2:00-2:15 Snack time
3:10 p.m. Devotions bell
3:12 p.m. Dismissal bell