New Town Reflection – Evergreen Teacher

I exit the sweltering passenger van next to a pungent garbage heap, surveying the shanty town before me. An open sewer runs down from the half-built houses to my right, disappearing around a corner to someplace I can’t quite tell –I’m in “New Town”, I’m told.

As I enter a narrow passageway, the cement walls tower above me, and I can make out corridors that lead into tiny rooms where mothers chase children and cook over open fires. And once again I am met with the truth, amidst great poverty lies great riches, and those who seem to have nothing, the Kingdom of God is there, in them and with them, the presence of Christ, emanating pure joy. The wires in walls covered in corrugated metal sheets erupt with exuberant jubilation, dance and song…I join in, and before I know it, I am dancing too, the beat of the drum pounding my feet over and over into the dry earth; the hardened dirt floor is transformed into a celebration hall –there is nothings shanty about this place, only smiles as wide as the deep sky– I am ushered into heaven’s gates and join in before the throne.

Thank you to all the families and teachers who partnered in making this trip possible. Supplies were delivered to over six different schools, and over 90 teachers were supplied with resources and curriculum at a regional teachers’ conference conducted by LC/ECS staff and students. ….

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